The roundtable was called "Komikusu: Selling Awesome Manga" and was focused around "indie manga"-- what it is, the challenges of finding a readership, and how to get more people turned onto the quirkier and underground titles out there.
Other folks included were:
- Kate Dacey of The Manga Critic.
- Brigid Alverson of lots of places, inlcuding Mangablog.
- Erica Friedman of Okazu.
- Shaenon Garrity who writes at
- Deb Aoki of
- Ed Chavez of Vertical.
My contribution, "Indie is as indie does" meanders a lot and doesn't quite make its points very clearly, but I tried to tackle the history of manga released in the states and how it has been positioned via genre/publisher. And also the idea that a title being referred to as "indie" in the States often has little to do with how it was originally published/received in Japan. Or something? Give it a read and tell me what you think!
I encourage you guys to check out the entire roundtable when you have some free time!
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