Hot on the heels of a series of horrific and exciting San Francisco events (Alternative Press Expo, Halloween parties, post-World Series victory riots), our fair city has another trick up its sleeve for November: A solo art exhibit by artist Toshio Saeki!

[Click image for directions/details of the Opening]

This Thursday, 111 Minna Gallery will be co-presenting a show of Toshio Saeki's chinto printing pieces with publisher Last Gasp. This show will run until November 28th, and be a rare opportunity for folks outside of Japan to see Saeki's prints in person.

If you're a fan of Toshio Saeki and/or erotic art, you should've already checked out Last Gasp's fabulously oversized art book Onikage. It's a lush and unique hardcover showing both large color works and the chinto printing process via interesting vellum overlays in the book itself. Pricy but worth it for fans-- I've never seen another book that gives such interesting insights into how CMYK or woodblock printing works.

I'll be stopping by the opening to see the pieces in person- I'm super curious to see if any prints will be on sale and how much they run! Will post pictures and a report from the event here on Friday morning for folks outside of the Bay Area.

UPDATE from Colin at Last Gasp: "There will definitely be prints for sale, and some originals too. Prices range from $125 - $5100, I think."


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