Exciting news for French speaking fans of the weird and experimental. A new collection of manga by our friend Shintaro Kago has been published in French by Editions IMHO! The collection is titled, Carnets de massacre: 13 contes cruels du Grand Edô and is available now via their site, and other online retailers!

This is extremely exciting progress on the expansion of Kago's overseas notoriety. This book is a nice addition to the short list of his works available outside of Japan (I believe two monographs of his stories were published a few years back in Italian, by d/visual that are now out of print. As noted in the comments by Ileca, Kago also had a story appear in ORANG 8, as well as the French collection, "EXTRÊME ORIENT.

Hands off to Benoit, the head of Editions IMHO, for snatching up the license for this book and making it happen. Editions IMHO is basically the dream publisher for Same Hat fans, having books by Suehiro Maruo, Tori Miki, Atsushi Kaneko, Usumaru Furuya, Yusaku Hanakuma, Shigeru Sugiura, Imiri Sakabashira, and others in their impressive catalog. Now here's to an English edition finally happening for us North American fans...!

I've got an email out to Benoit asking which specific Kago comics are in the book, and will update this post once I hear from him!

[PS: Happy New Year 2011! I'm off to a slow start with blogging but have many plans to pick up and delight you guys soon!]


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